Seaside is a picturesque city that hugs the Oregon coast and hosts thousands of tourists and year-round residents. The City of Seaside embarked on a project to build a new high school as a tsunami evacuation location high on a hill overlooking the city. T BAILEY INC. was contracted as the General Contractor to build a welded steel water reservoir to provide water for the school and operate as the city’s supplemental water and fire suppression supply.
The project had a very tight schedule linked to the new high school opening in time for Fall classes. Despite the challenges highlighted below, the reservoir was brought online and operational as originally planned.
Continue reading to learn of T BAILEY’s expertise and processes used to fabricate and construct the Seaside reservoir and the challenges overcome to complete the project successfully.
Scope of the Seaside Reservoir Project
The water reservoir was 107’ in diameter and 40’ high, giving it a capacity of 2 million gallons. The project also included a 17’ x 28’ booster pump station and all interconnecting utility piping. As the general contractor for the entire project, we delivered:
- Design and Engineering. T BAILEY INC. designed the tank to meet AWWA D-100 standards.
- Site Preparation: Tree clearing, excavation and backfill for the reservoir site, pump station, and associated retention ponds. The interconnecting 18” piping required a 1,200’ long horizontal directional bore starting in a residential neighborhood and stretched through the wooded hillside.
- Fabrication & Construction: T BAILEY INC. shop fabricated, prime coated, delivered, and erected the welded steel water reservoir. T BAILEY INC placed approximately 30 tons of rebar and handled roughly 60 trucks of concrete to complete the reservoir foundation. The reservoir coating, concrete masonry pump station building, sizable pump skid, associated electrical and controls were completed by T BAILEY INC sub contractors.
- Testing: All our welding procedures and welders are CWI certified and inspections were conducted by our on-site foremen and 3rd party X-ray RT testing.
Challenges during the project
This section of the case study will dive into the details of the challenges and showcase T BAILEY INC’s depth and strengths to keep the project on track.
Challenge #1: Working Adjacent to Active Logging Roads
The job site bordered two active logging sites of which special permits were required in order to use the tree company’s roads to access the reservoir site. For safety reasons, all project related trucking and access was required to follow a special route on narrow dirt logging roads and use CB communication which added an additional 30 minutes to each trip.
T BAILEY INC. has strong working relationships with highly skilled and qualified subcontractors all with excellent safety records. Everyone played a part in maintaining good relationships with the logging companies, abiding to road safety and coordinating daily activities.
Challenge #2: Working In a School Zone & Adjacent Construction Site
The job site was adjacent to an operational elementary school and shared boundaries with the new high school construction site. This required tight coordination and communication with the leadership of the elementary school and the contractors working on the high school. We hosted several conference calls to keep everyone in the loop with activities, delivery schedules and other relevant issues.
Due to being in an active school zone, for safety reasons, we were held to certain working times and had to arrange activities and deliveries around in session school hours. Background checks were originally required on all onsite crew members and special badges worn, however in the end, Covid-19 forced the elementary school to close.
Thanks to our extensive experience working in tight sites and coordinating with outside parties, constructing the reservoir under these circumstances was well within our wheelhouse.
Challenge #3: Severe Winter Weather
T BAILEY INC. is no stranger to building reservoirs in all kinds of weather conditions. Our experience and projects find us in Alaska in the middle of winter to even the rainy coast of Seaside. Site clearing for the reservoir started in January, which turned out to be one of the wettest Januarys on record.
Despite the severe wind, rain, and snow, our crews persisted and poured the reservoir foundation and began constructing the reservoir through the harsh cold of January and February. One day the snow was coming down so thick and created an unsafe working environment, our crews were forced to pause construction. Only one day of the entire winter in Seaside.
T BAILEY INC.’s ability to push on and build the reservoir despite the cold and snow is a result of our long history of building tanks and reservoirs in Alaska and other locations with formidable weather conditions. Our crews are adaptable and experienced to work in the cold and wind. Our welding procedures are also qualified for such environments, which ensures we complete the job on time, regardless of the time of year construction begins.
Why T BAILEY INC. Was Uniquely Qualified to Complete This Project
By hiring T BAILEY INC., the City of Seaside put a lot of trust in our ability to execute the project on time. The opening of the new high school was contingent on the start-up of the reservoir.
We were uniquely qualified to help Seaside achieve this goal because our crews have experience building this style and size of welded steel tank in inclement conditions. The overall project scope (pump station, foundation, rebar, piping) also fits neatly inside our wheelhouse.
As demonstrated in this case study, T BAILEY INC. is dedicated to constructing quality reservoirs and has the technical expertise to complete complex jobs on schedule. To learn more about our AWWA welded water reservoir services and capabilities, please contact our office today.

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