Hydroelectric Construction & Fabrication
T BAILEY INC. has over 30 years of experience completing ambitious hydroelectric fabrication projects. From massive penstock over 400’ long to bold bifurcations requiring on-site finishing and assembly, we’re capable of taking your complex specifications and delivering completed hydroelectric power plant parts on time.
Industries We Serve:
Continue reading to learn more about our high technical expertise and state-of-the-art fabrication solutions, or contact T BAILEY, INC. today to request an estimate for your hydroelectric dam project.
Hydroelectric Construction & Fabrication Capabilities
During our tenure in the hydroelectric construction industry, we’ve dedicated ourselves to constantly improving our fabrication techniques, expanding our facilities, and raising the standard of quality construction in our field.
With over 120,000 square feet of covered facilities, including a metal fab shop and industrial coatings facility, we’re able to offer comprehensive fabrication services for your hydroelectric project.
We have the capabilities necessary to get the job done, from small tunnel linings to bifurcations of immense proportions. For hydroelectric dam applications, our fabrications include:
- Penstock
- Bifurcations
- Trifurcations
- Pipe bridges
- Steel gates
- Steel tunnel linings
- And any other kind of steel hydroelectric application
Here is a more in-depth description of our capabilities to help you understand the full scope of what we can accomplish:
Codes & Standards
We manufacture penstock in accordance with AWWA C200 for water pipe and follow SSPC QP3 for high-quality surface preparation and coating application. That said, it’s common for our clients to have additional, more rigorous specifications for grade, testing, and other aspects of the fabrication process. T BAILEY INC. is always happy to accommodate these unique project specs.
Design & Engineering
T BAILEY INC. doesn’t design hydroelectric parts, like penstock, from scratch, but we offer extensive design and engineering support. This includes geometry assistance, performance and strength calculations, cost recommendations, and CAD modeling.
Fabrication & Hydroelectric Construction
Our facility is equipped with 20-ton bridge cranes, plate rollers capable of rolling 2 & 5/8ths steel cold, and large tools that enable us to manufacture large sections of penstock in-house. For especially ambitious projects, we also have the ability to set up a mobile fab shop at the job site so that we can assemble the bifurcations on-site.
As for exact project size capabilities, our fabrication specialists can deliver penstock of any scope, including aggressive projects over 120’ long, 15’ thick, and with wall thicknesses ranging between 3/8th-1”.
Industrial Coatings
T BAILEY INC.’s expansive shop features a 14,000 square foot coatings facility where we prep and coat penstock and other hydro electric system applications. Coatings include urethanes, epoxies, vinyl ester, enamels, and metalizing with aluminum or zinc — if it comes in a bucket, our expert coating crew can apply it to your project.
Quality Control & Testing
We take pride in offering some of the best hydroelectric manufacturing in the Northwest. Our commitment to comprehensive testing and quality control is evidence of our status in the industry. Our in-house AWS Certified Welding Inspector oversees all T BAILEY INC.’s fabrication projects, and CWB Certified Welding Supervisor performs a litany of tests, including UT, RT, and dimensions as required.
Another advantage of partnering with T BAILEY INC. for your hydroelectric construction project is that we offer two cost-effective shipping solutions, enabling you to select the ideal option for your project:
- Truck. We offer in-house truck drivers that deliver to local job sites. We partner with trusted third-party trucking companies with whom we have a longstanding relationship for project sites farther afield and oversized loads.
- Barge. Our fabrication facility is just up the road from the Anacortes deep-water port, enabling us to ship bigger than usual penstock sections and awkward bifurcation sections too large for highway transport. The port also enables us to deliver steel parts to hydroelectric power plants as far away as Alaska and Hawaii.
Depending on the size of your project, we can ship it out as a single piece or in multiple pieces.
A Track Record You Can Count On
T BAILEY INC. has been fabricating robust parts for hydroelectric dams since 1991. We’ve continually demonstrated our ability to design and fabricate high-quality parts on schedule during our time in the industry.
We have the capabilities necessary to build penstock of any size, from shop-built sections to massive, fabricated-on-site assemblies.
To see what T BAILEY INC. looks like in action, here are a few case studies from past hydroelectric construction and fabrication projects:
Klamath Irrigation District Penstock Project
Swift Dam Penstock & Bifurcation Project
BC Hydro Aberfeldie Bifurcation & Penstock Project
And to get your hydroelectric steel fabrication project started, contact our office today.
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"T BAILEY is the single-most professional group I have worked with in a subcontracted situation – ever. I was impressed by T BAILEY's ability to do exactly what was committed to be done...you've raised the bar.”
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We’re designed to perform custom fabrication of heavy structural and plate products, and can directly ship oversized loads via barge, rail, or truck to your location.
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