Our Industrial Coating Services
Whether you need to paint or metalize casing, piling, plate steel, ladders, or any other sort of metal parts, sections, or components, T BAILEY INC. has the technology and expertise necessary to get the job done quickly and done right.
Our capabilities include:
- Weight capabilities: Can move steel parts weighing up to and over 100,000 lbs.
- Coating capabilities: Metalizing, painting, priming, and other coatings.
- Blasting capabilities: Handblasting and automated abrasive blasting.
Key features of our industrial painting facility include:
- An automatic blasting system called the “Wheelabrator” that drastically speeds up the blasting process.
- An intuitive rail system that enables us to quickly move parts from one stage to another.
- A facility that houses painting, blasting, metalizing, and curing rooms all under a single roof.
Another advantage of partnering with T BAILEY INC. for your industrial coating needs is that our large facility enables our blasting team, metalizing team, painting team, and our material movers to all operate at the same time.
This means we can be running a steel part through surface prep, while also priming another part, painting something else, and spraying metalization onto another part all at the same time.
For more information about our industrial coating services, contact T BAILEY, INC. today.
Industrial Metal Blasting Service
T BAILEY INC.’s industrial paint shop has a dedicated blasting room where steel parts up to 100,000 lbs are brought in on a rail system. Our crews can hand blast or use our automatic blasting machine to prep the surfaces. For metalization, sandblasting is done with a larger abrasive to achieve a deeper profile.
Innovations That Speed Up The Blasting Process
Our blasting facility has two additional technologies that help us process large and heavy orders. We use a shot-recovery system that collects used shots and transports them back up to the blast pot, allowing our blasters to work continuously without needing periodic clean-up. Rotating wheels then turn the part while we blast it, ensuring efficient surface prep for industrial coatings.